Welcome to the National Experience!
For five months share a Katimavik house and volunteer with organizations contributing to the development of the communities where you are hosted.
22 weeks That Will Change Your Life
You will be one of up to 12 people living under the same roof. Together, you will undergo a truly
unique experience.
Your journey won't just last a week or two, but for over five months in two different communities.
This is the commitment you will make if you are selected to join one of the groups of volunteers for the Katimavik National Experience.
These five months will be so enriching that when you return to your old life (which will never be quite the same again), you’ll wonder how you could have acquired “all this” any other way.

So, What Exactly Is the National Experience?
Here are the key elements of the program.
Two communities
Somewhere in Canada, up to 12 youth from different parts of the country will live in a large house accompanied by a Project Leader who will mentor them during their stay. Aided by Katimavik’s staff, the Leader is always there to support them on their journey.
All members participate in group activities as well as doing volunteer work for a non-profit organization in the community. This will last for two and a half months. Then they’ll move to another community for the same amount of time.
Two aims: personal and community-oriented
The Katimavik concept may seem simple, but there are good reasons why 37,000 youth across Canada have participated in this immersive program since 1977: it encourages personal development, and it brings tangible help to communities. In other words: it works.
On a human level, each group member is called upon to exercise their skills, resourcefulness and personal experience by taking on new challenges. Everyone will learn, build self-reliance, hone their leadership abilities and acquire new skills.
And there’s a real bonus: Since this immersive program lasts several months, it’s the perfect opportunity to learn and become proficient in French!
Also, the National Experience prepares participants for future employment or to pursue post-secondary studies. Without a doubt, the program will give them a tremendous boost in building their future.
Host communities, in which participants will be living, also stand to benefit. They obtain valuable help and get to interact in a meaningful way with young people from across the country.
Volunteer work
From Monday to Thursday each week, participants dedicate approximately 30 hours to volunteer work. This is real, hands-on experience that helps them to acquire new skills and a better understanding of how structured organizations work.
The community groups participating in the program also benefit from it, of course. But in return, they have an obligation to offer Katimavik volunteers every possible opportunity to learn the skills related to their placement and give them a positive experience.
Truth and Reconciliation
Katimavik has formally made a 50-year pledge to demonstrate its support of Truth and Reconciliation through its programs.
Every Friday, program participants take part in Indigenous community-related activities. This is one of Katimavik’s key missions: to strengthen relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.
We recognize that Indigenous peoples have been living on and protecting the land for thousands of years.
Experience and skills
The National Experience program uses experiential and participatory learning techniques in its activities, group discussions and workshops. The educational aspect is a central facet of the program and participants must take part in it.
- History of Indigenous peoples in Canada
- Civic engagement
- Environmental protection and sustainable development
- Cultural, geographic and linguistic diversity in Canada
- Domestic tasks (cooking, cleaning, budgeting and more)
- Conflict resolution, communication and teamwork
- Leadership, public speaking and project management per placement
Day-to-day life
Do Katimavik volunteers have any time for themselves? Certainly! But their days are very busy, and they tend to sleep well at night!
There are numerous group and collaborative activities, and this is because the volunteers collectively design and implement their own community projects. Plus, since they’re sharing a space for several months, they also need to manage all aspects of the Katimavik house, including cooking and cleaning. Deciding who does what and when, from shopping to meal preparation, and more, requires sensitive negotiation.
As for leisure time, participants also plan their own outings and activities for the evenings and weekends. New cultural experiences are strongly encouraged.

Where are Katimavik
houses located?
Calgary, AB
Wetaskiwin, AB
Edmonton, AB
Nanaimo, BC
Campbell River, BC
Winnipeg, MB
Brandon, MB
Moncton, NB
Sudbury, ON
Québec, QC
Saguenay, QC
Halifax, NS

Want to take part in the National Experience?
The program accepts applications from young people aged 17 to 25 who are Canadian citizens or have permanent resident or landed refugee status. Proof of legal residency in Canada is required at the time of application.
Before taking the leap and submitting your application, it’s critical that you are certain you are motivated to learn new skills and ready to meet the challenges of group living and teamwork.
If you felt a strong desire to join the program after reading the description, you just might be one of our future participants! If you are selected, Katimavik commits to providing you with an inclusive, diverse, and respectful environment.
Katimavik encourages applications from all backgrounds, genders, religions and cultures.
Funding and participation costs
Katimavik is grateful for funding provided by the Government of Canada through its Canada Service Corps initiative.
All expenses related to participation in the program are covered, including transportation to and from the communities, group activities, housing and meals.
There are two cohort periods:
1. January to June
2. July to December
Applications are open until all available spots are filled.

Our National Experience Partners
Our partners share our goal of giving young people greater opportunities in life, helping to develop communities, and building the country’s future as a whole — one project at a time. We are grateful for their generous contributions and continued support.
“We” doesn’t just mean Katimavik. It includes over 1,000 communities and nearly 40,000 young people who have discovered their potential through Katimavik’s volunteer programs.
Want to become a Katimavik partner?
Partnerships are the lifeblood of Katimavik and its programs.
Volunteer placements in the different National Experience host communities, for example, are made possible by local partners. Through our reciprocity-based approach, we ensure that everyone benefits.
Thanks to donations and Canada Service Corps funding, the young people who take part in the program don’t have to pay a cent—they’re provided with accommodation, transportation, food and pocket money for leisure activities.